Friday, May 25, 2012

The Last Ones

Lots of things have been going on and the momentum of these last few weeks is gaining on me. While I am very excited, the mountain of things I need to do between now and June 9th is daunting and a little sad. Yesterday was my last day at the studio (except for glazing which in my mind doesn't count) that I have been in and out of for the last nine years! I am curious to see how a new studio will change my style, but I will miss the friends that I have made there over the years. Anyway, I'm keeping this short because I have to pack eeeeek! So, here are a few pics of the last pieces in this studio.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Planters and Videos

So, recently I have been collaborating on a video project about my show. It is still in the production phase and I'm hoping to have it finished by the time of my sale since it follows the process of creating a show and the work that goes into each piece I make (don't worry it is not three hours of me scratching at a tumbler). I can't wait to see the finished product! Here are some videos of other clayers that I have been looking at as references, I think they are all pretty great.

1) First up is Dahlhaus, I love how clean her work is, and getting a sneak peek inside her studio.

2) This one is an Etsy production about the artist behind Artmind who makes those cute little "Feelings" I have been seeing everywhere.

Also, I started making the holes in my re-purposed cups today, here are a few that are going to be available on the 3rd. Any suggestions on which plants to use? Left to my own devices I usually pick indoor plants, but small outdoor ones would be fun too. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Few More Things

I was really planning on not allowing anyone to purchase items before the show, but how do you say no when some one wants to buy several things from you? Needless to say, I have made a few exceptions. The response to my show has been so positive and gratifying and the sale hasn't even happened yet, so thank you everyone!!

The studio is closed for next week and opens on the 14th. There are a few pieces that I am going to make alternates of, but for the most part I am done until I get settled in my new home.  If you find that your absolute favorite piece is already sold, let me know and maybe we can work something out.

After I get established in NC I will be working on developing my Etsy store, and creating a stronger, more cohesive portfolio. I am looking forward to joining a new ceramics community, with all the challenges and growth that an experience like that has to offer, but the disruption  of my studio routine is going to make me pretty cranky.

I put some new pieces up Thursday, come check them out this week if you are around. Here are some sneak peeks of the new items.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Show Pictures

Okay, my show is up! Go check it out if you are around. It's always so amazing how things come together. I usually try not to panic, then panic anyway, and laugh about it after everything turns out fine. Maybe someday I can skip step two of that equation.... Busy weekend up ahead and then I'll be out of town so I thought I would post some temporary photos of the show. I have taken the more professional/documentation photos yet but these should do for now ;) enjoy!